A day conference for all wanting to go deeper in theology, ministry and culture
St. Andrew's Church, Bishopsgate, London
27th September 10am – 4pm
Still Deeper aims to help people go deeper in their grasp of theology
and culture. This 2nd Still Deeper conference focuses on the darkness
round the cross: God's wrath.We struggle to face the horror of God's
anger, but as we do so the cross appears more glorious.
Exposition, doctrine and cultural analysis include:
• Melvin Tinker Isaiah 53: The Suffering Servant.
• Andrew Atherstone Divine retribution: a forgotten doctrine?
• Peter Sanlon Why a violent culture fears a violent atonement.
• Sam Allberry Lamentations: Poetry of Wrath.
• Lee McMunn Believing and preaching hell.
Cost: £10. Bring your own lunch, coffee provided.
Register online at www.thegoodbook.co.uk/stilldeeper
or call 0845-225-0880 to book.
A fee of £1 will be charged for online registrations, or £2 for telephone booking.
Visit http://www.stilldeeper.com/
His Glory and My Good: A New Song from City Alight
I have seen my Father’s glory / Revealed in Jesus Christ / And the more
that I behold Him / The more He satisfies When I gaze upon His beauty /
When I see...
7 months ago