Dave Bish has been blogging some helpful thoughts recently about theology in our songs. It reminded me of one good biblical theology song I came across by Graham Kendrick called O What a Mystery I See. Kendrick has penned some shockers over the years as well as some really excellent songs like Come and See. I think this one goes in the latter category and captures some of the Bible’s great story lines.
What are the great biblical theology hymns and songs?
O What A Mystery I See
O what a mystery I see
What marvellous design
That God should come as one of us
A Son in David's line.
Flesh of our flesh, of woman born
Our human-ness he owns
And for a world of wickedness
His guiltless blood atones
This perfect Man, incarnate God
By selfless sacrifice
Destroys our sinful history
All fallen Adam's curse.
In him the curse to blessing turns
My barren spirit flowers
As o'er the shattered power of sin
The cross of Jesus towers
By faith a child of his I stand
An heir in David's line
Royal descendant by his blood
Destined by Love's design
Fathers of faith, my fathers now!
Because in Christ I am
And all God's promises in Him
To me are 'Yes, Amen'!
No more then as a child of earth
Must I my lifetime spend -
His history, His destiny
are mine to apprehend.
Oh what a Saviour, what a Lord
O Master, Brother, Friend!
What miracle has joined me to
This life that never ends!
(1988 Makeway music, Graham Kendrick)
His Glory and My Good: A New Song from City Alight
I have seen my Father’s glory / Revealed in Jesus Christ / And the more
that I behold Him / The more He satisfies When I gaze upon His beauty /
When I see...
7 months ago
1 comment:
Here's a song I wrote in response to a request for a song which celebrates the story of the Old Testament as our story.
Once in chaos, darkness, blindness,
now the light of God we see;
word that spoke a world of beauty
speaks Christ’s glory unto me.
2. Once in silence, empty, hopeless,
now we hear God’s gospel word,
promises first heard by Abraham
once again by us are heard.
3. Once enslaved like slaves of Pharaoh
now from sin and death set free;
exodus was re-enacted
as God’s Lamb was slain for me.
4. Once we wandered barren pathways,
far from God and on our own;
now we’re part of God’s new family,
pilgrims with a heav’nly home.
5. Once we lived as we decided,
fashioning our tyranny.
David’s Son is now our saviour,
bringing peace and liberty.
6. God proclaims his gracious promise,
‘Yes’ Christ echoes back again,
and we join the conversation:
to God’s glory cry ‘Amen’.
Tim Chester
Copyright (c) 2004 Tim Chester c/o www.thecrowdedhouse.org
May be copied and freely used for non-profit personal and congregational use.
For a tune go to www.thecrowdedhouse.org and click the 'resources room' link.
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