Monday, April 09, 2007

The shedding of blood for a sin-ravaged world

Mark Meynell writes: "Living outside the UK at the time of the publication of The Lost Message of Jesus1 meant I was largely unaware of most of the heat and sadly often harsh words which it provoked on all sides. The book caused controversy, and, in many ways, rightly so. One of the difficulties, however, is that Chalke and Mann’s rather inflammatory discussion of the atonement forms only a small, although perhaps highly indicative, part of the book. That can detract from the number of valid points they make. Nevertheless, because their treatment of the atonement has resonated with what a number of other scholars have been saying (especially in the USA but in the UK as well), it is important that we reflect not only on what they are saying but also (more importantly) why they are saying it..."

Read the full article: The shedding of blood for a sin-ravaged world (PDF)
Mark Meynell blogs
All Souls, Langham Place, London

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